Live-storage API
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Live-storage API

Interface: LiveStorage

Extension of the Storage interface, with the addition of an event that is emitted when keys are added, values change or keys are removed, externally to the application.

Only changes effected by parts of the system other than the companion application itself trigger events on the storage object. This means that calling setItem, removeItem or clear on the storage object does not trigger any event.


readonly length


Number of key/value pairs currently present in the list associated with the object.


((this: LiveStorage, event: StorageChangeEvent) => any) or undefined

Event handler for change events emitted by the storage.



addEventListener(type: "change", listener: (this: LiveStorage, event: StorageChangeEvent) => any)

Returns: void

Add an event handler for change events emitted by the storage.

Interface: StorageChangeEvent

Event that is emitted when a storage value is added, changed or removed.


readonly defaultPrevented


Set to true when the default handling was prevented

readonly key

string or null

Name of the key when the value for a single key is set or when a single key is removed.

When all keys in the storage are removed at once, this value is null.

readonly newValue

string or null

New value for a key for a single-key change, or null when all keys in the storage are removed at once.

readonly oldValue

string or null

Previous value for a key for a single-key change, or null when the value for the key is set for the first time, or when all keys in the storage are removed at once.

readonly target

EventTarget or undefined

Target of the event

readonly type


Type of the event

readonly url

string or undefined

A URL representing the component that triggered the change.

If present, this URL follows the following format: fitbit-app://$STORAGE_IDENTIFIER/$COMPONENT?app_uuid=$APP_UUID

For app cluster storage, the $STORAGE_IDENTIFIER will be the app cluster identifier followed by a . and then the installation source of the application ("gallery" or "sideloaded").

The $COMPONENT will either be companion.js or settings.js, depending on which component caused the change.