Accelerometer API
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Accelerometer API

Variable: Accelerometer

Type: [IAccelerometer | undefined]

Interface: IAccelerometer

The Accelerometer API provides access to the acceleration data measured by the hardware sensor.

This constructor will not be defined on devices that have no accelerometer.

import { Accelerometer } from "accelerometer";

if (Accelerometer) {
   console.log("This device has an Accelerometer!");
   const accelerometer = new Accelerometer({ frequency: 1 });
   accelerometer.addEventListener("reading", () => {
} else {
   console.log("This device does NOT have an Accelerometer!");

An Accelerometer sensor measures a device's acceleration along 3 orthogonal axes (x, y and z).

  • The x axis is parallel with the device's screen, aligned with the top and bottom edges, in the left-to-right direction.
  • The y axis is parallel with the device's screen, aligned with the left and right edges, in the bottom-to-top direction.
  • The z axis is perpendicular to the device's screen, pointing up.

Acceleration readings include the acceleration of gravity. For example: If the device is at rest, lying flat on a table on the surface of the earth, the acceleration along the z axis should equal the acceleration of gravity (~9.8 m/s^2), and the acceleration along the x and y axes should be 0.

Read the Accelerometer Sensor Guide for further information.


readonly activated


Flag that indicates if the sensor is activated or not. When a sensor is created, the sensor is not activated, thus the initial value of this property equals false.


((this: Sensor, event: Event) => any) or undefined

Event handler that is called when the sensor is activated.


((this: Sensor, event: SensorErrorEvent) => any) or undefined

Event handler that is called when an error occurs. When an error occurs, the sensor is automatically stopped, and the activated property equals false.


((this: Sensor, event: Event) => any) or undefined

Event handler that is called whenever a new reading is available.

readonly readings

BatchedAccelerometerReading or undefined

New in SDK 2.0

Interface: BatchedAccelerometerReading

New in SDK 2.0


readonly timestamp


readonly x


readonly y


readonly z


Interface: AccelerometerReading

Acceleration data measured by the accelerometer sensor.


readonly timestamp

number or null

Timestamp of the reading in milliseconds.

NOTE: this is relative to an unspecified arbitrary 0 time, or null if no reading is available (when the sensor is not yet activated and there are no valid cached values that can be used).

readonly x

number or null

Acceleration along the x axis in m/s^2

readonly y

number or null

Acceleration along the y axis in m/s^2

readonly z

number or null

Acceleration along the z axis in m/s^2