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Decode a CBOR-encoded buffer to a value.

cbor.decode(cbor: ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView)


cbor: ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView

A byte buffer containing a CBOR-encoded value.


Encode a value (primitive or object) to a CBOR buffer.

Mapping from JavaScript types to CBOR:

JS Type CBOR Type
number or Number signed or unsigned integer or floating point (1)
string or String text string (utf-8)
boolean or Boolean true or false
null null
undefined undefined
ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView byte string
Array array
Object map (with string keys)

Other types are not allowed.

NOTE (1): If Number.isInteger(value) is true, the value is encoded as an integer, else it is encoded as a floating point number. Because floating point numbers may also be integers, a special wrapper object, Float, is provided. When serializing a wrapped number, the floating point type will always be used, regardless of whether Number.isInteger(value) returns true or false.

For example, cbor.encode(2.0) will produce the encoding for a positive integer with value 2, cbor.encode(new cbor.Float(2.0)) will produce the encoding for a floating point number with value 2.0.

Wrapping a number is typically only useful for inter-operation with external systems where integers and floating point numbers are not represented the same way (a C program for example). For CBOR buffers that will be decoded by a JavaScript client, no wrapping is needed since both integers and floating point numbers are represented by the same primitive type.

Circular references are not allowed.

The serialization order of object properties to a CBOR map is not specified.

cbor.encode(value: any)


value: any

Value to encode.

Class: Float

Wrapper for integers that should be encoded as floating point numbers.




Wrapped integer value.