Client Credentials
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Client Credentials

Client Credentials Grant Flow

Fitbit follows the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials flow as specified in RFC 6749. Fitbit strongly recommends that you review the specification and use an OAuth 2 client library for your programming language.

The Client Credentials Grant flow has the following steps:

  1. You application sends a request to with its client_id and client_secret
  2. Fitbit authenticates your application and issues an access token

Resource URLs


Authorization Header

The Authorization header must be set to Basic followed by a space, then the Base64 encoded string of your application's client id and secret concatenated with a colon. For example, the Base64 encoded string, Y2xpZW50X2lkOmNsaWVudCBzZWNyZXQ=, is decoded as [client_id]:[client_secret].

Body Parameters

URI Parameter Description
grant_type required client_credentials
Type: string

Specify the desired access token lifetime. Defaults to 28800.

3600 for 1 hour
28800 for 8 hours
86400 for 1 day
604800 for 1 weeks
2592000 for 30 days
31536000 for 1 year


Type: string