View Components Guide
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View Components Guide

Cycle View

The cycleview component allows developers to display a single item from a list. When the user taps the item, the current item slides upwards and is replaced with the next item from the list. When the end of the list is reached, the first item is displayed, starting the loop again.

First you need to declare a cycleview element as a container. By default it will have a height and width of 100%.

Then you must declare one or more cycleview-item elements, which will contain the actual content you wish to cycle.


In addition to any existing imports, you must include the following imports within your widget.defs file:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" />
    <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/system_widget.defs" />
    <!-- Additional Imports -->
    <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/baseview_widget.defs" />
    <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/cycleview_widget.defs" />


The following example will display 5 different statistics which will be displayed in one at a time, tap the item to cycle to the next statistic.

We use the #container element to control the size and position of our cycleview, and a <rect> to provide an alternative background color.

Include the following SVG in your index.view file:

  <svg id="container">
    <rect id="background" class="application-fill" />
    <use id="statsCyle" href="#cycleview">
      <use href="#cycleview-item" class="cycle-item">
        <text>Steps: 1,337</text>
      <use href="#cycleview-item" class="cycle-item">
        <text>Calories: 731</text>
      <use href="#cycleview-item" class="cycle-item">
        <text>Distance: 1.00mi</text>
      <use href="#cycleview-item" class="cycle-item">
        <text>Floors: 10</text>
      <use href="#cycleview-item" class="cycle-item">
        <text>Active: 13</text>

Include the following CSS in your styles.css file:

.application-fill           { fill: fb-green; }
.foreground-fill            { fill: fb-white; }
.background-fill            { fill: fb-black; }

#container {
  width: 100%;
  height: 120;
  x: 0;
  y: 50%-60;

#background {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

.cycle-item text {
  font-size: 32;
  x: 100%-10;
  text-anchor: end;
  fill: black;

Use the following JavaScript in your index.js file to interact with the cycle view and its items:

import * as document from "document";

// Get a handle on the cycleview
const statsCyle = document.getElementById("statsCyle");

// Get an array of cycle-items
const items = statsCyle.getElementsByClassName("cycle-item");

// How many items

// Select a specific item by index
statsCyle.value = 3;

// Get the current selected item index

// Hide a specific item by index
items[2].style.display = "none";

Scroll View

The scrollview component allows developers to create an application which is taller than the screen dimensions. The user can easily scroll the entire view vertically with their finger, and a scrollbar automatically appears on the right side of the screen.

First you need to declare a scrollview element as a container. By default it will have a height and width of 100%.

Then you must declare one or more scrollview-item elements, which will contain the actual content you wish to scroll. Each item has a height property, which by default will be 100% of the scrollview container element height.


In addition to any existing imports, you must include the following imports within your widget.defs file:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" />
    <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/system_widget.defs" />
    <!-- Additional Imports -->
    <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/baseview_widget.defs" />
    <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/scrollview_widget.defs" />


The following example will display 3 stacked <rect> tags which will be displayed in a list that can be scrolled vertically.

Include the following SVG in your index.view file:

  <use href="#scrollview">
    <use href="#scrollview-item" height="200">
      <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="fb-cyan" />
    <use href="#scrollview-item" height="200">
      <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="fb-red" />
    <use href="#scrollview-item" height="200">
      <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="fb-green" />

Flexible Item Height

If you don't want a fixed height for each scrollview-item, you can use the flexible-height value on the display attribute, and the item height will be calculated dynamically.

  <use href="#scrollview">
    <use href="#scrollview-item" display="flexible-height">
      <rect width="100%" height="100" fill="fb-cyan" />
    <use href="#scrollview-item" display="flexible-height">
      <rect width="100%" height="200" fill="fb-red" />
    <use href="#scrollview-item" display="flexible-height">
      <rect width="100%" height="300" fill="fb-green" />

Section Headers

You can also create multiple section of items, with a header that snaps to the top of the screen. When all of the items for a section have been scrolled, the next header snaps to the top of the screen.

This example uses a reusable template symbol. If you're unfamiliar with them, we recommend taking a look at the Template Symbol section of the SVG guide.


    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" />
    <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/system_widget.defs" />

    <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/baseview_widget.defs" />
    <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/scrollview_widget.defs" />

    <symbol id="view-header" href="#scrollview-header">
      <rect fill="inherit" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"/>
      <text id="text" x="50%" y="50%+10" fill="black" font-size="30"
        font-weight="bold" text-anchor="middle" />


  <use href="#scrollview">
    <!-- Section 1 -->
    <use href="#view-header" height="50" fill="pink">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Section 1" />
    <use href="#scrollview-item" height="250">
      <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="fb-red" />
    <use href="#scrollview-item" height="250">
      <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="fb-blue" />
    <use href="#scrollview-item" height="250">
      <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="fb-cyan" />
      <!-- Section 2 -->
    <use href="#view-header" height="50" fill="fb-peach">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Section 2" />
    <use href="#scrollview-item" height="250">
      <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="fb-red" />
    <use href="#scrollview-item" height="250">
      <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="fb-blue" />
    <use href="#scrollview-item" height="250">
      <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="fb-cyan" />


The component is composed of the following SVG sub elements:

  • #scrollview-header: A container element for a section heading.

  • #scrollview-item: A repeating container element within the scrollview.

Tile List

The tile-list component allows developers to create an application which provides users the ability to vertically scroll a list of tile-list-item elements.

Although similar to the Scroll View, there are some subtle differences, for example:

  • The height of a Tile Item should not exceed the height of the screen.

  • Tile Items can be dynamically reordered using drag and drop.

  • When scrolling, the Tile List can automatically snap to the top of the closest Tile Item.

First you need to declare a tile-list element as a container. By default it will have a height and width of 100%.

Then you must declare one or more tile-list-item elements, which will contain the actual content you wish to scroll. Each item is 100% height. You can mix different elements inside a tile element.

You can also have a header by using the tile-list-header element. Headers behave the same way as a tile-list-item, except that a header cannot be selected for reorder, and a reordered item cannot be dragged over a header. A list can have any number of header tiles.

Last, but not least, you can add a footer using the tile-list-footer element. If a list has a footer, there may only be one, and it must be the last entry in the list. A footer tile cannot be selected for reorder, and a reordered item cannot be dragged over the footer. If the user drags the list upwards, the footer tile will always stick to the bottom of the view.

The cleanest way to build the list is by defining your own Template Symbols for the tile-list-header, tile-list-item, and tile-list-footer elements.


In addition to any existing imports, you must include the following imports, and definitions for your tile-list-header, tile-list-item, and tile-list-footer, within your widget.defs file:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" />
    <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/system_widget.defs" />

    <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/baseview_widget.defs" />
    <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/scrollbar.defs" />
    <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/tile_list_widget.defs" />

    <symbol id="my-header" href="#tile-list-header" class="list-item  header">
      <text id="text" />
      <rect class="line" />

    <symbol id="my-item" href="#tile-list-item" class="list-item">
      <text id="text" />
      <rect class="line" />

    <symbol id="my-footer" href="#tile-list-footer" class="list-item footer">
      <text id="text" />

Note: Note that the scrollbar is also imported and automatically displays the scroll progress to the user.


Here is an example with a list of text items with a header and a footer:

  <use id="myList" href="#tile-list" class="horizontal-pad">
    <use href="#my-header">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="HEADER" />
    <use href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 1" />
    <use href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 2" />
    <use href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 3" />
    <use href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 4" />
    <use href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 5" />
    <use href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 6" />
    <use href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 7" />
    <use href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 8" />
    <use href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 9" />
    <use href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 10" />
    <use href="#my-footer">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="FOOTER" />

Then include some basic styling within your styles.css file:

.list-item {
  height: 112;

.list-item text {
  fill: "white";
  x: 50%;
  text-anchor: middle;
  font-size: 24;

.line {
  height: 6;
  width: 100%;
  fill: #222222;
  y: 100%-6;

.header text {
  font-weight: bold;
  fill: fb-cyan;
  font-size: 30;

.footer text {
  font-weight: bold;
  fill: fb-green;
  font-size: 30;


There are a number of additional settings which affect the behavior of the tile list.


The reorder-enabled setting allow the user to drag and drop items to affect their sort order. The possible values are 0 for disabled, and 1 for enabled which is the default configuration.

Each child tile-list-item must have a unique ID for reordering to be automatically persisted.

  <use id="myList" href="#tile-list">
    <var id="reorder-enabled" value="1" />
    <use id="item1" href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 1" />
    <use id="item2" href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 2" />
    <!-- etc... -->

Peek Mode

By default the list will have peek functionality enabled: clicking on a tile that is partially off the view will cause the tile to align to the edge of the view without the click interacting with elements inside the tile. The peek functionality can be specifically disabled by including the peek-enabled setting with the value 0. When peek is disabled, clicks on a partially visible tile will interact with the tile content the same way it would when the tile is fully on the view, and the view will not automatically scroll to align to the tile.

<!-- disable peek mode -->
  <use id="myList" href="#tile-list">
    <var id="peek-enabled" value="0" />
    <use id="item1" href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 1" />
    <use id="item2" href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 2" />
    <!-- etc... -->


The align-mode setting can take 0 for no alignment and 1 for alignment to the nearest item to the top of the view. It's disabled by default.

By default the list allows the scroll to end on any position within the list. The alignment mode can be selected explicitly by including the align-mode setting. The possible values are 1 which make selects aligning to the nearest item to the top of the view after the scroll ends and 0 which result in no alignment which is the default behavior.

  <use id="myList" href="#tile-list">
    <var id="align-mode" value="1" />
    <use id="item1" href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 1" />
    <use id="item2" href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 2" />
    <!-- etc... -->

Advanced Usage

The Tile List is a incredibly powerful component. In this next example we are going to create a custom tile-list-item with a horizontal separator, and a touch click event for each item.

This example configuration could be used as an application menu interface.

Import the required components and define an tile-list-item template which contains an element that can receive the click event in your widget.defs:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" />
    <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/system_widget.defs" />

    <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/baseview_widget.defs" />
    <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/scrollbar.defs" />
    <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/tile_list_widget.defs" />

    <symbol id="my-item" href="#tile-list-item" class="list-item">
      <rect class="bg" />
      <text id="text" />
      <rect class="line" />
      <rect id="touch" pointer-events="all" />


Include the following SVG in your index.view file:

  <use id="myList" href="#tile-list" class="horizontal-pad">
    <var id="separator-height-bottom" value="6" />
    <use id="item1" href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 1" />
    <use id="item2" href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 2" />
    <use id="item3" href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 3" />
    <use id="item4" href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 4" />
    <use id="item5" href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 5" />
    <use id="item6" href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 6" />
    <use id="item7" href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 7" />
    <use id="item8" href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 8" />
    <use id="item9" href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 9" />
    <use id="item10" href="#my-item">
      <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Text Item 10" />

Include the following CSS in your styles.css file:

.list-item {
  height: 112;

.list-item text {
  fill: "white";
  text-anchor: middle;
  x: 50%;
  font-size: 24;
  text-length: 20;

.line {
  width: 100%;
  height: 6;
  fill: #222222;
  y: 100%-6;

.bg {
  fill: #111111;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  x: 0;
  y: 0;

#touch {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%-6;
  x: 0;
  y: 0;
  opacity: 0;

Use the following JavaScript in your index.js file to handle the click event for each item:

import * as document from "document";

let list = document.getElementById("myList");
let items = list.getElementsByClassName("list-item");

items.forEach((element, index) => {
  let touch = element.getElementById("touch");
  touch.onclick = function(evt) {
    console.log(`touched: ${index}`);

You can use the value property to get and set the selected zero-based index of the tile-list in JavaScript.

import * as document from "document";

let list = document.getElementById("my-list");

// Get the selected index
let currentIndex = list.value;

// Set the selected index
list.value = 3; // Scroll to the 4th item

Virtual Tile List

The virtual configuration of the tile-list has the advantage of being dynamically generated. Instead of using a hard-coded list of tile-items it allocates them from a pool as they are rendered. This allows for a very large list of items to be displayed, while it's actually just cycling through a small number of items from the pool.

Let's recreate the advanced example above, but this time displaying 100 items.

To setup this configuration, we first define our tile-list-item template, the tile-list itself, we enable virtual mode to 1, and define a tile-list-pool. Our pool must contain enough items to fill the screen, with a few extra to help with smooth scrolling.

The tile-list-item must be hidden display="none" by default.

Import the required components and define an tile-list-item template which contains an element that can receive the click event in your widget.defs:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" />
    <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/system_widget.defs" />

    <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/baseview_widget.defs" />
    <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/scrollbar.defs" />
    <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/tile_list_widget.defs" />

    <symbol id="my-item" href="#tile-list-item" class="list-item" display="none">
      <rect class="bg" />
      <text id="text" />
      <rect class="line" />
      <rect id="touch" pointer-events="all" />


Include the following SVG in your index.view file:

  <use id="myList" href="#tile-list">
    <var id="virtual" value="1" />
    <var id="reorder-enabled" value="0"/>
    <var id="peek-enabled" value="0"/>
    <var id="separator-height-bottom" value="2" />

    <use id="my-pool" href="#tile-list-pool">
      <use id="my-pool[0]" href="#my-item" />
      <use id="my-pool[1]" href="#my-item" />
      <use id="my-pool[2]" href="#my-item" />
      <use id="my-pool[3]" href="#my-item" />
      <use id="my-pool[4]" href="#my-item" />
      <use id="my-pool[5]" href="#my-item" />
      <use id="my-pool[6]" href="#my-item" />
      <use id="my-pool[7]" href="#my-item" />
      <use id="my-pool[8]" href="#my-item" />
      <use id="my-pool[9]" href="#my-item" />
      <use id="my-pool[10]" href="#my-item" />
      <use id="my-pool[11]" href="#my-item" />
      <use id="my-pool[12]" href="#my-item" />
      <use id="my-pool[13]" href="#my-item" />
      <use id="my-pool[14]" href="#my-item" />

Use the following JavaScript in your index.js file to dynamically create 100 items, and handle the click event for each item.

The delegate is responsible for rendering each tile-list-item as it's required. It contains 2 functions:

  • getTileInfo() - Gets the content of each tile by its index.
  • configureTile() - Configures a tile-list-item before it is displayed.
import * as document from "document";

let myList = document.getElementById("myList");

let NUM_ELEMS = 100;

myList.delegate = {
  getTileInfo: (index) => {
    return {
      type: "my-pool",
      value: "Item",
      index: index
  configureTile: (tile, info) => {
    console.log(`Item: ${info.index}`)
    if (info.type == "my-pool") {
      tile.getElementById("text").text = `${info.value} ${info.index}`;
      let touch = tile.getElementById("touch");
      touch.onclick = function(evt) {
        console.log(`touched: ${info.index}`);

// length must be set AFTER delegate
myList.length = NUM_ELEMS;

Warning: Do not use the VirtualTileListItem methods .align, .show, or .hide within the configureTile() function, it will cause your application to crash.

Tumbler View

The tumblerview component allows elements to be scrolled upwards or downwards vertically, like a combination lock tumbler. The scrolling is cyclical, never ending in either direction, with the system automatically picking the next available item from the list..

First you need to declare a tumblerview element as a container. By default it will have a height and width of 100%.

Then you must declare one or more tumbler-item elements, which should contain a <text> element.


In addition to any existing imports, you must include the following imports within your widget.defs file:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" />
    <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/system_widget.defs" />
    <!-- Additional Imports -->
    <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/baseview_widget.defs" />
    <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/tumblerview_widget.defs" />


The following example will display two individual tumblers side by side, allowing a user to select hours and minutes, similar to the Fitbit Alarms app.

An AM/PM indicator will be automatically updated based upon the selected hour.

Note: For the sake of brevity, some items in the minutes tumbler have been removed.

Include the following SVG in your index.view file:

<svg class="application-fill">
  <use id="tumbler-hour" href="#tumblerview">
    <use id="hour-item0" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="12" />
    <use id="hour-item1" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="1" />
    <use id="hour-item2" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="2" />
    <use id="hour-item3" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="3" />
    <use id="hour-item4" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="4" />
    <use id="hour-item5" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="5" />
    <use id="hour-item6" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="6" />
    <use id="hour-item7" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="7" />
    <use id="hour-item8" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="8" />
    <use id="hour-item9" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="9" />
    <use id="hour-item10" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="10" />
    <use id="hour-item11" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="11" />
    <use id="hour-item12" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="12" />

    <use id="hour-item13" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="1" />
    <use id="hour-item14" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="2" />
    <use id="hour-item15" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="3" />
    <use id="hour-item16" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="4" />
    <use id="hour-item17" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="5" />
    <use id="hour-item18" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="6" />
    <use id="hour-item19" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="7" />
    <use id="hour-item20" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="8" />
    <use id="hour-item21" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="9" />
    <use id="hour-item22" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="10" />
    <use id="hour-item23" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="11" />

  <use id="settings-colon-container" href="#static-text" class="tumbler-colon h1">
    <set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to=":"/>

  <use id="tumbler-mins" href="#tumblerview">
    <use id="min-item0" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="00" />
    <use id="min-item1" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="01" />
    <use id="min-item2" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="02" />
    <use id="min-item3" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="03" />
    <use id="min-item4" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="04" />
    <use id="min-item5" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="05" />
    <use id="min-item6" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="06" />
    <use id="min-item7" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="07" />
    <use id="min-item8" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="08" />
    <use id="min-item9" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="09" />
    <!-- simplified for example -->
    <use id="min-item10" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="20" />
    <use id="min-item11" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="30" />
    <use id="min-item12" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="40" />
    <use id="min-item13" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="50" />
    <use id="min-item14" href="#tumbler-item">
      <set href="value/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="59" />

  <use id="units" href="#tumbler-toggle-label" class="unit-box">
    <set href="tumbler-toggle-top" attributeName="text-buffer" to="am"/>
    <set href="tumbler-toggle-bot" attributeName="text-buffer" to="pm"/>

Include the following CSS in your styles.css file:

.application-fill           { fill: device-orange; }

#tumbler-hour               { x: 24;   y: 120; width: 120; height: 100%; }
#tumbler-mins               { x: 158;  y: 120; width: 120; height: 100%; }
#tumbler-hour #value text   { x: 100%; text-anchor: end;}
.tumbler-colon              { x: 141;  y: -16; width: 12; }

.unit-box                   { x: 100%-60; width: 60;}

Use the following JavaScript in your index.js file to interact with the cycle view and its items:

import * as document from "document";

let tumblerHour = document.getElementById("tumbler-hour");
let tumblerMins = document.getElementById("tumbler-mins");

let units = document.getElementById("units");
let AM = units.getElementById("tumbler-toggle-top");
let PM = units.getElementById("tumbler-toggle-bot");


function unitToggle(unit) {
  if (unit === "AM") { = 1; = 0.3;
  } else { = 0.3; = 1;

tumblerHour.addEventListener("select", (evt) => {
  let selectedIndex = parseInt(tumblerHour.value);
  let selectedItem = tumblerHour.getElementById(`hour-item${selectedIndex}`);
  let selectedValue = selectedItem.getElementById("text").text;
  console.log(`HOUR: index: ${&zwnj;selectedIndex} :: value: ${selectedValue}`);

  if (selectedIndex >= 12) {
  } else {

tumblerMins.addEventListener("select", (evt) => {
  let selectedIndex = tumblerMins.value;
  let selectedItem = tumblerMins.getElementById(`min-item${selectedIndex}`);
  let selectedValue = selectedItem.getElementById("text").text;
  console.log(`MINS: index: ${selectedIndex} :: value: ${selectedValue}`);