Update Alarm
Updates an alarm on the given device. This endpoint is supported for trackers that support alarms.
Scope: settings
POST | /1/user/[user-id]/devices/tracker/[tracker-id]/alarms/[alarm-id].json |
URI Arguments
user-id | required | The encoded ID of the user. Use "-" (dash) for current logged-in user. |
tracker-id | required | The ID of the tracker for which the alarm is created. The tracker-id can be found by using the Get Devices endpoint. |
alarm-id | required | The ID of the alarm to be updated. The alarm-id can be found by using the Get Alarms endpoint. |
Query Parameters
time | required | The time of day and UTC offset that the alarm vibrates in the format HH:mm-offset, e.g. 07:00-08:00. | string ($time) |
enabled | required | Enables the alarm to vibrate. Supported: true | false |
boolean |
recurring | required | Defines the alarm as a recurring (true) or a single event (false). Supported: true | false |
boolean |
weekDays | required | A comma separated list of days of the week which the alarm vibrates. Supported: MONDAY | TUESDAY |
string |
snoozeLength | required | Number of minutes between alarms. | integer |
snoozeCount | required | Maximum number of times allowed to snooze alarm. | integer |
label | optional | Label or name for the alarm. | string |
vibe | optional | The vibration pattern. Supported: DEFAULT |
string |
Request Headers
authorization | required | Specify the token type and Fitbit user’s access token.
Token type: Bearer |
accept | optional | Defines the media type of the response content the client is
expecting. Supported: application/json |
accept-language | optional | The measurement unit system to use for response values. See Localization. |
accept-locale | optional | The locale to use for response values. See Localization. |
content-length | required | According to RFC 7230, section 3.3.2, this HTTP request requires the Content-Length header field containing the anticipated size of the payload body. |
POST https://api.fitbit.com/1/user/-/devices/tracker/755971717/alarms/1240569123.json?time=12:00-08:00&enabled=true&recurring=false&weekDays=WEDNESDAY&snoozeLength=5&snoozeCount=5
POST https://api.fitbit.com/1/user/GGNJL9/devices/tracker/755971717/alarms/1240569123.json?time=12:00-08:00&enabled=true&recurring=false&weekDays=WEDNESDAY&snoozeLength=5&snoozeCount=5
POST https
curl -X POST "https://api.fitbit.com/1/user/-/devices/tracker/755971717/alarms/1240569123.json?time=12:00-08:00&enabled=true&recurring=false&weekDays=WEDNESDAY&snoozeLength=5&snoozeCount=5" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-H "content-length: <message_body_size>"
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-H "content-length: <message_body_size>"
Element Name | Description |
trackerAlarm : alarmId | Numerical value representing the alarm ID. |
trackerAlarm : deleted | Indicates if an alarm has been deleted. Supported: true | false |
trackerAlarm : enabled | Indicates if an alarm is enabled. Supported: true | false |
trackerAlarm : recurring | Indicates if an alarm is recurring. Supported: true | false |
trackerAlarm : snoozeCount | Indicates the number of times the alarm will snooze. |
trackerAlarm : snoozeLength | Indicates the time in minutes between snooze periods. |
trackerAlarm : syncedToDevice | Supported: true | false |
trackerAlarm : time | The time range for the specified alarm. |
trackerAlarm : vibe | Returns the type of vibration configured. Supported: DEFAULT |
trackerAlarm : weekDays | Returns the recurring days of the week which the alarm is
set. Supported: MONDAY | TUESDAY |
{ "trackerAlarm": { "alarmId": 1240569123, "deleted": false, "enabled": true, "recurring": false, "snoozeCount": 5, "snoozeLength": 5, "syncedToDevice": false, "time": "12:00-08:00", "vibe": "DEFAULT", "weekDays": [] } }
Response Headers
content-type | The media type of the response content being sent to
the client. Supported: application/json |
fitbit-rate-limit-limit | The quota number of calls. |
fitbit-rate-limit-remaining | The number of calls remaining before hitting the rate limit. |
fitbit-rate-limit-reset | The number of seconds until the rate limit resets. |
Note: The rate limit headers are approximate and asynchronously updated. This means that there may be a minor delay in the decrementing of remaining requests. This could result in your application receiving an unexpected 429 response if you don't track the total number of requests you make yourself.
Response Type
HTTP Status Code | HTTP response code. List of codes are found in the Troubleshooting Guide. |
Status Message | Description of the status code. |
Response Body | Contains the JSON response to the API call. When errors are returned by the API call, the errorType, fieldName and message text will provide more information to the cause of the failure. |
Response Codes
201 | A successful request. |
400 | The request had bad syntax or was inherently impossible to be satisfied. |
401 | The request requires user authentication. |
Note: For a complete list of response codes, please refer to the Troubleshooting Guide.
Additional Information
Device support
The Fitbit devices have the ability to set an alarm. Older devices whose alarms are configured in the mobile application support the create, delete, get and update alarm endpoints. Newer devices, listed in this help article https://support.google.com/fitbit/answer/14226604, contain an on-device alarm application, and do not support the alarm endpoints. The alarms for these devices can only be set on the device itself.
Setting an alarm without a recurring schedule is intended for next day purposes only.